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Showing posts from January, 2017

Ornaments 2016

Decided to flex the Xcarve muscle and make some custom ornaments for family members ( my grandmother used to give us ornaments every year and those are the ones that were used to decorate my own tree in my adult life, so I figured I would carry that tradition on to my nieces and nephews ) and since I have Vcarve and a Xcarve I figured it was only fitting that I design, manufacture, and paint them myself. Started by finding a fair use, free template pattern of a reindeer I liked and then imported it into Vcarve and resized for my 3 x 3, wooden stock, and modified some of the features of the import to be better for cutting, replaced imported circles with real ones drawn in Vcarve so they would be smoother. Added a ribbon hole feature and generated some code. Cut Stock pieces about 4mm thick  Poly stock with a nice brown and let dry Clamp and Run Gcode, run time was 7 minutes, as it was a small end mill for the fine detail Paint, dry, and insert ribbon Di